Small Hands Big Hearts supports Read and Feed
Small Hands Big Hearts United is a nonprofit organization that is dedicated to helping other nonprofit organizations in the community. As the Green Hope High School teen ambassadors of SHBHU, we are passionate about helping others in our community and making an impact. We try to help as many organizations as we can and as much as we can. We truly believe the power of helping can build a more stronger, healthier and happier society that would benefit everyone.
This year, we chose the help Read and Feed. We think that it’s important for every child in Wake County to have access to books and be able to read effectively. Personally, I (Xiye) believe that reading is a lifelong skill that everyone needs in order to be successful in life. Thus, we chose to donate as many books we can to help Read and Feed make an impact for the kids in the community. Lastly. we hope that our donations will help the children develop great passion for reading.
Nina Song and Xiye Chen