Ron Blackley: On the Road to Keep Kids Reading
Ron Blackley began volunteering with Read and Feed in 2014 after hearing about the opportunity from his Cary page Rotary Club. Ron was selected to serve at Maynard Estates Mobile Home Park. He began as a driver for the Mobile Classroom RV and has been driving each year since!
Besides driving the RV, Ron often participates as a substitute reading tutor, playing games and reading together with students. “My motivation to continue for these past six years has been watching the students grow mentally, emotionally and physically while in the program. Also, I need to give a “shout-out” to all of the tutor volunteers that I have worked with over the years for their dedication in helping the students achieve their full potential” says Ron. Read and Feed proudly recognizes Ron for filling these multiple roles in order to develop meaningful mentor relationship with the kids.
When not at one of the Read and Feed sites, you can find Ron golfing, traveling, and putting his handyman skills to work when the need arises!
Ron’s dedication to hit the road and reach students in their own neighborhoods has been crucial in the literacy development of Read and Feed students. Thank you, Ron for the years of services you have done and the services to come!