Children’s Literacy in the Nation
Read and Feed
Since July is the month when we celebrate America’s independence, we decided to take a closer look at children’s literacy in our nation, our state, and our county. The results may surprise you.
Read and Feed serves more than 600 elementary students each year. We want these children to be equipped with the confidence and ability to succeed in school and beyond. It is important to help children at an early age because children who are not proficient in reading by the end of 3rd grade are four times more likely to drop out of school or not graduate on time (gradelevelreading.net).
Read and Feed helps children and provides a path to a brighter future.
Children need to be prepared to enter a world where finding a lucrative job is becoming increasingly more difficult. According to Jim Goodnight, “by the year 2020, 67% of jobs in North Carolina will require post-secondary education or training.”
Mr. Goodnight is a member of the Business Roundtable (BRT)- an association of chief executive officers of leading US companies who work to promote sound public policy (www.sas.com). Children’s education is among the top concerns of the BRT because its members are having a challenging time finding workers with the right skills.