Matching Gift Challenge Concludes with Overwhelming Success!
Happy New Year to all of our Read and Feed Friends!
The results are in and you– our donors, volunteers, partners, and friends– were integral to our success this past year. Volunteers rallied to tutor children in person, snacks to eat and meals to take home were plentiful, and children have been building fabulous home libraries. All because of you.
None of this success would be possible without the kind heartedness of people like you. At year end, you showed us that there is no limit to your generosity, allowing us to surpass our goals so that children will have the support and services they need to succeed.
First, you made Giving Tuesday a great victory. Nearly $20,000 was raised in a single day (our best Giving Tuesday on record). Next, you accepted our challenge and exceeded our Double the Impact Matching Gift Campaign, bringing in well over $250,000 before Christmas. Then, you wrapped up our Year End Campaign with nearly $300,000 in total contributions received within the last two months. What a way to end the year, and what a gift you are for those we serve!
I cannot say THANK YOU or express my appreciation for each of you enough. You have made the end of my first year with Read and Feed both exciting and memorable. Your gifts are allowing us to increase our services in 2022 as we meet with more students and serve those students more often.
As we enter into a new year, take with you the confidence that you are making a difference in the life of a child and your willingness to help will have an increased impact in the community. I look forward to sharing with you our progress as we approach our 15th Anniversary.
Sincere thanks and best wishes for 2022,
Sherry Overton Shudra
Executive Director