nOg Run Club St. Paddy’s 4 Miler
September 19, 2020
8:45 am — 12:00 pm
Raleigh Beer Garden 614 Glenwood Ave Raleigh NC 27603
nOg Run Club has invited Read and Feed to benefit from their March 23rd, 2020 charity night. nOg Run Club’s mission is to promote charity and charitable awareness among runners and walkers in the Triangle. They meet at the Raleigh Beer Garden every Monday at 6:15pm.
To ensure our beneficiary status, Read and Feed needs to provide a minimum of 20 volunteers (21 and older) to serve as course monitors at the St. Paddy’s 4 Miler on March 21st, from 8:45 am-noon. That means YOU!
Course monitors will ensure runners stick to their designated trail the morning of the 21st. It should be an easy breezy morning of volunteering!
If interested, please contact maggie.boeckman@readandfeed.org for sign up information.